If you want to read the whole story,
start at the bottom...

Click this link if you want to read a little about the SAAB Safir SK50 history (swedish)
The SK50 cockpit is now in place in the new garage at home.
I hav etaken all the instruments out to prepare for the modification, the landinggear is secured so that it cant be manuverd by misstake and the lever is disconnected so that I can use it in the sim.

The cockpit as it looks on the inside 050102.
I´m still missing the wet compass, clock, right instrumentpanel, radio and intercompanel.
Most of the instruments are still there and the plan is to rebuild them with parts from Simkits, so that they can be used with a standard, PC based flightsimulator.
My other project, to rebuild this SK50 (Saab Safir) cockpit into a simulator. More information soon.
Also this projekt suffers from lack of space and the work is down until I have a new garage at home.

Aslightly shortend SK50 called "Chubby".

© Bengt Pålsson. All rights reserved.